The worms man

The types of worms man

Worms, or helminths, and parasitic worms that live at the expense of animals and plants, feed and reproduce inside of living organisms. We are with you, is no exception.

The worms man

- According to statistics, every third inhabitant of the Earth the train worms-parasites. It is assumed that there is an adult, for whom life would not be settled in the body nor a worm, - says well-known in network, doctor, family doctor.

In the daily life of almost all the parasitic worms people call the worms, not to think of how much in reality especially those nasty creatures.

Among all the worms and parasites, capable of existing in the human body, there are three main groups:

  • nematodes belonging to round helminths: pinworm, trichuris trichuris, trichinella, ascaris;
  • band, or a dish of worms, related to the tapeworms (various types of tapeworms, tapeworms and tapeworm);
  • parasites flukes, or the flukes, cause opisthorchiasis, fascioliasis, schistosomiasis, paragonimoz, and other diseases.

The causes of worms man

The collective name for the diseases caused by worms - bots. It occurs when the human body within the larvae or eggs of worms. This can occur for the following reasons:

  • the man does not respect the basic hygiene rules: do not wash their hands after a walk on the street, after the visit of the guests or after the bath, not washes them before eating;
  • of worms a person is often in the habit of biting your nails, sucking your toes, keep in the mouth various objects: pens, pencils;
  • the risk of infection by worms great, if you have pets, especially walking the streets.
    - Also during the early anthelmintic therapy dogs and cats, it can distribute the eggs of the worm, and carried away on his hind legs, wool, - says the doctor-therapist.
  • the worms can be infected, if not the treatment of hot water of vegetables, fruit, berries, herbs, that you are going to eat;
  • it is dangerous to use the tap water of unknown origin or wash your food;
  • not processed properly, the meat and the fish is the possibility of being infected. If used incorrectly heat-treated beef - bovarius tapeworm, the pork pork tapeworm, in a little salt and raw fish lives a tapeworm;
  • take the worms can be and in the house, if we are rarely cleaned, wear shoes, avoid the washing of the floors;
  • the worms can be transmitted from an infected person, if you have him in common, kitchenware, linen, time you are in the same room with him.

Of course, most of the causes the worms to a person depends on the non-observance of rules of hygiene. Those who care of themselves, their home and their pets, can never meet with these parasites.

The treatment of worms man

The treatment of worms the person committed physician, if the patient is an adult, or pediatrician, if the worms of the child.

- Self-medication in the case of worms commit in any case, it's not worth: the drugs used in the treatment helminth, pretty heavy for the body, " said the doctor.

Usually the treatment of worms, the person applies a complex therapy, the purpose of which is to not only destroy the parasites, but also to eliminate the consequences of their lives. Therefore, one de vermis drugs do less unlikely. Also treat often of all members of the family, because the people in a small circle, easy to infect each other.

Along with medications, may be named the intake of vitamins and enzymes that improve digestion. For a more effective treatment of the worms the person will have to follow a diet, is to restrict the carbohydrates: sweets, flour.

- If in the house there are pets, they definitely need to make anthelmintic therapy two times a year, otherwise all the efforts for the treatment will be in vain, - says the doctor-therapist.

What pills can you apply?

The worms, the problem is rather delicate, this pushes many people to self-medicate. The advertising always says that these, or other tablet in a moment they are able to solve the problem. However, many do not realize that in every advertisement there is an indication that the first application is necessary to consult a doctor. Not simple words, we have already said that drugs against the worms are very serious and can cause damage if uncontrolled intake.

As a treatment for worms, man used:

  • de-worming drugs – consume worms;
  • antihistamines, which will help you, if you are allergic to mass die off of parasites;
  • chelators, which expel the harmful substances and the waste products of parasites.
  • supplements of iron, vitamin B12, folic acid are all useful for anemia.
  • liver protectors for the protection of the liver.
  • probiotics.

The more often you apply the top level and at the same time, low toxicity drugs.

- Frequency of drug administration, determines medical-infectious diseases, according to the results of an objective inspection of a complaint, analysis of the patient, - clarification of the therapist.

The traditional methods of treatment

As a folk remedy for the treatment of worms in children and adults may be eaten dried pumpkin seeds. According to the doctors, that contain cucurbitina, by destroying the worms. However, you have to rely on a miracle cure of worms with the help of pumpkin seeds it's not worth it.

Parasites, who had settled in the body, they are very dangerous. Without a serious treatment under medical supervision, complications may occur: worms spread throughout the body. They can penetrate in the gall bladder and ducts, to enter the pancreatic duct. The parasites are capable of causing intestinal obstruction, and anemia - decrease in hemoglobin levels.

The quality of the water against the worms

In the house, use only the quality of the water, this will save you from pop-up of parasites.

When it is necessary to consult a doctor?

In any suspicion of helminthiasis in need of an appointment with the doctor: family physician, pediatrician or physician-morbis infectiosis.

The common symptoms of worms the person is:

  • malaise, weakness, fatigue;
  • allergy, for example, skin eruptions, cough, asthma;
  • reduction or increase of appetite;
  • nausea, vomiting without poisoning;
  • abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • the reduction of body weight, although the appetite is good;
  • problems with sleep, insomnia;
  • inflamed or enlarged lymph nodes;
  • the temperature rise without reason;
  • aching muscles and joints without load;
  • snoring or grinding teeth during sleep;
  • the presence of worms in the stool;
  • itching in the anal area (often with pinworms).

- There are two stages of helminths: acute and chronic. The first lasts from 2 to 8 weeks from the date of hitting the parasite in the body. Often, in this period, this serious allergic reaction to elminto. After about two months the acute phase, goes into chronic and there are already symptoms depend on the pathogen, of which the man spoke, and from the place of its habitat, - explains the doctor-therapist.

Prevention of worms man

The main rules of prevention of worms in humans have, usually, adopt a child, just that sometimes we do not observe:

  • You need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating, after using the toilet, after hiking on the road.
  • It is necessary to wash the vegetables, the fruits, the vegetables, and after washing "washed" with boiling water.
  • Meat, fish and shellfish needs a long heat treatment.
  • In the house you need to use only the quality and safety of the water.
  • Every member of the family must have personal hygiene and the dishes.
  • The house must be cleaned regularly wet cleaning.
  • Pets allowed but must be regularly main on the prevention anthelmintic therapy.